Please read the following text carefully. By using this site, you are accepting our Terms of Use, Contract Terms and Privacy Policies detailed here.

MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S and the client contract is implied at the moment a purchase is made across the website in addition of being accepted by the client. The contract will be governed by the terms defined in this text, which hold dominion over the website product trading by MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. any of its affiliates, subsidiaries or business associates that appear on the corresponding invoice. Our services are available only to those individuals who have the legal capacity to contract, as provided by the current Colombian legislation. If the client does not have the legal capacity to contract, we ask him/her not to use our services; MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. will not be responsible for the damages caused by the actions of the incapable by virtue of the bad vigilance of the same by their legal persons under articles 2347 to 2349 of the Colombian civil code.

  1. Independence of Provisions.

In the event that one or more of the provisions contained in this document are considered null, illegal or ineffective in any aspect, thei validity, legality and enforceability or effectiveness of the rest of the provisions of this document will not be affected or annulled by said circumstance.

  1. Offer presentation

Through the online site, int.mercedescampuzano.com, MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. contrives the offer of diverse products that are advertised and/or described on this website ('Site'). In order for there to be a valid purchase offer from MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS SAS, the customer must fill out an electronic form available on the website, which will include the customer's personal data, the chosen products, the way in which the payment will be done, the data that depending on the payment method are needed plus other data that MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS SAS considers necessary so that the purchase can be successful.

The offer made by MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. is considered to be faultless conditioned in its effects to the following three circumstances:

The previous mentioned electronic form must be completed, received and approved by MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S.

The MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. desired product must be available at the moment the electronic form is being approved by MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. team.

The customer must pay the 100% product value in advance.

The client has had accepted the Terms of Use, Contract Terms and Privacy Policies of the site previously.

Once these conditions have been corroborated, MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS SAS, will proceed accordingly, developing a new purchase order in the system and informing the customer, by means of an email, that their purchased product(s) order has been registered correctly in the system with a specific order number, with which the customer can track the status of their order in any moment.

MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. reserves the right to modify the online products prices at any time prior to the acceptance of the offer by the customer, without the need to notify such change in any way.

  1. Payment Conditions.

This offer is conditional on the client having chosen and accepted the payment terms and conditions the system presents earlier, according to the means of payment that are specifically established on the site and that the client has made the respective advance payment for a the value equivalent to 100% of the value of the selected merchandise.

Even though MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. grants the client a secure system connection for the realization of all purchase, in no case MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. will be responsible for banking or credit entities communications failures, as well as for the damages caused to the users on the occasion of an action or omission of said entities. Once MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. verifies the 100% advanced payment and the fulfillment of the other mentioned conditions to which this offer is subject, the purchase contract will be understood to have been completed.

In any case, despite having verified the payment of the aforementioned advance, if the other conditions established in the second paragraph of this document are not fulfill, the contract is not understood to be completed and therefore, MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. undertakes the return of the users monetary amount paid in advance, without any type of interest or performance.

The payment will be made solely and exclusively by the following means:

PARAGRAPH: Before acknowledging any product purchase, the client must have accepted the terms and a condition of the payment, according to the payment means that are already specifically established on the site. Even though MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. grants the client a secure system connection for the realization of all purchase, in no case MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. will be responsible for banking or credit entities communications failures, as well as for the damages caused to the users on the occasion of an action or omission of said entities


1.Credit Cards



Master Card.

American Express.

2.Debit Cards



3.Cash payment in authorized entities



  1. Shipping Charges and Taxes

MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. will be responsible during the merchandise transportation as for the handling and insurance of the product expenses acquired at mercedescampuzano.com

Likewise, the client will be responsible for all sales taxes, added value taxes and any other taxes and charges included in each product offer. All taxes caused by the purchase will be settled from the moment the client accepts the purchase offer on the site, and therefore will be aware of the exact value to pay MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS SAS, which will include the aforementioned concepts.

The shipping cost will always depend on the established rates that are displayed on int.mercedescampuzano.com when the customer purchases shoes, bags or accessories and will be specified during the purchase process.

  1. Prices

The total value of the purchase is made up of the following items, to be paid by the customer: the products value, taxes and transportation costs, if applicable.

FIRST PARAGRAPH: MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. undertakes to review and update the prices mentioned on the website and our clients must always be attentive in case of any variation in them.

SECOND PARAGRAPH: MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. is in charge of promulgating the transportation and shipping rates the products possess, which will be generated depending on their costs, items and policies of the own transportation company, which are independent, autonomous and unrelated to MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. Within the cost of the consignment, the place inside the Colombian territory to which the purchased products should be sent, their size and weight must be taken into account.

  1. Withdrawal right

The consumer must return the product to MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. by the same means and in the same conditions in which the product was received. The costumer will cover the transportation plus others costs involved in the return process. The right of withdrawal will be available within a maximum of (5) business days starting from the day the item is received or the day in which the contract was made regarding to the provision of services.

The following cases will be excluded from the following case and according to the corporate purpose performed by MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S.:

In the supply of goods or services contracts whose price is subject to fluctuations in financial market coefficients that the producer cannot control.

In the supply of goods contracts made according to the consumer's specifications or clearly personalized.

Contracts regarding personal use acquisition of goods.

MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. commits to return in the costumers money without making discounts or withholdings for any reason. In any case, the costumers money refund may not exceed thirty (30) calendar days from the moment the right was exercised.

  1. Payment reversal

The law denotes that when it comes to electronic commerce sales made through device, such as the Internet, credit or debit cards or any other electronic payment card used to realize the payment, the participants in the payment process must reverse the payments requested by the consumer when it is subject to fraud, corresponds to an unsolicited operation, in the case the product purchased has not been received, the product delivered does not correspond to what was requested or is imperfect.

To carry on with an payment reversal, the consumer must file a complaint with MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS SAS and return the product within five (5) business days following the date on which the consumer had news of the fraudulent, unsolicited operation, received it imperfect or it doesn’t corresponds to what was requested, plus notify the issuer of the electronic payment method used to make the purchase of the claim, which, together with the other participants in the payment process, will proceed to reverse the client transaction.

8.Products remission

The products will be shipped only within Colombian territory, through a certified mail, within a maximum period of nine (9) business days, counting from the offer acceptance, as long as there is no unforeseeable or force events, such as strikes, revolutions, rebellions, sedition, riots, attacks, fluid cuts, landslides, earthquakes, avalanches, overflows, bridge falls among others.

FIRST PARAGRAPH: The shipment address will be indicated by the client specified via the offer that he/she prepares in the format intended for that purpose, which may be the same place of the buyer's room or another that he/she designates. It is understood that any person who is at the address where the delivery is to be made, must be authorized by the customer to receive their package, so MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. is exonerated of any responsibility at the time of delivery, as long as it is made at the address registered at the time of purchase.

SECOND PARAGRAPH: The transportation company has the responsibility to make a maximum of two delivery (2) attempts. When the both of the attempts are unsuccessful, the products will be returned to the factory and the consigned monetary value will be returned, except for the value of the shipment, without any type of interest, remuneration or additional sum and regardless of the cause or origin. Likewise, if the product recipient is under fourteen (14) years of age and is not accompanied by a parent or guardian or who signs the receipt of the product together with the recipient it is considered an unsuccessful delivery.


The invoice will be sent together with the purchased product to the address specified by the customer.

  1. Ownership transfer

The ownership transfer takes place as soon as MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. places the purchased good in the hands of the transportations company, to be sent to the client or the person designated by him.

FIRST PARAGRAPH: Notwithstanding the previous, the client or recipient of the good or product must refrain from receiving it immediately, in any case were the product packaging presents damages, shatters or cracks, leaving the due annotation or proof of that fact.

  1. Products packaging

Our client is aware that our products are packaged and presented in a plastic bag and/or cardboard box that meet the necessary conditions for the product proper preservation.


MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. reserves the right to publish or refrain any of the comments made by users across our website regarding our products. In this same sense, at any time, a comment may be removed from the aforementioned website.

SINGLE PARAGRAPH: Any comment that is published must be made using a friendly and respectful language regarding the object or topic on which it is commented.

  1. Limited liability

Without prejudice to what is determined in the Colombian Legislation mandatory norms, MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. assumes no responsibility, including any liability for any loss or damage, including but not limited to loss of information or profits, existence of viruses, results of use or inability to use the material on this site, lost business opportunities, or any other damage, even when the user has advised us about the possibility of such damage, or for any third party claim, except as expressly stipulated herein.

Under the terms indicated here, MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. does not assume any responsibility for the information provided on the page, including but not limited to that relating to products and / or services, notes of interest, opinions, practical advice and solution of concerns. MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. does not assume any responsibility for the impossibility of, or for problems in, the use of the site or any of the pages that make it up, including but not limited to events such as server or connection problems, interruptions in communication, technical problems. In the event that the use of the material on this site results in the need to service, repair or correct equipment or information, the user assumes any cost derived from it.

FIRST PARAGRAPH: The responsibility of MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. is determined by the amount of the product purchased value, or in this case, the value of the product requested by the customer.

  1. Funds origin

The client solemnly declares and sustains:

  1. The resources with which the purchase was made come from a legal operation, trade, profession, activity or business.
  2. The monetary means with which you made the purchase were NOT obtained by virtue of any type of conduct that is enshrined in the Colombian laws as a constitutive or criminal offense.
  3. I have never allowed third parties to use my accounts or my credit or debit cards to consign or manage money that is unknown to its origin or that comes from a contrary conduct to any law.
  4. I exempt MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. of all responsibility for the erroneous, false, inaccurate information that has been provided in this document or for the violation of it, in such a way that I will be solely responsible for it.
  5. Property improvement and transfer

The completion of the contract occurs when the client accepts the purchase documentation presented by MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S., and proceeds to the shipment of the respective products selected by the customer.

Once the contract is completed in the aforementioned terms, no order cancellations can be made, if done, it will lead to the breach of the contract by the client and will lead to MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. filing legal actions to which you are entitled by virtue of the before action. The foregoing without prejudice to the right of withdrawal in favor of the buyer exercised in accordance with the law.

In case the client chooses more than one product on the site and one or more of those products do not meet the condition of availability by MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS SAS, the contract will be understood to have been completed for the products available at the moment, the client will be informed throughout the site, of the non-availability of the others and the purchase order and the corresponding invoice will be generated in accordance with the availability.

In payment-on-delivery cases, product ownership will be transferred to the customer from the moment they are paid at the delivery address. In case that the price of the products object of a current offer is not paid, it will be understood that a rupture of the contract has happened, which will be canceled by MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. and the client must assumed all the product(s) return costs to its respective deposit, as well as the amount regarding damages derived from the occasion. In the case of a payment done by other means, in accordance with the provisions of this site, the property over the products will be effective at the moment the contract is completed, that is, from the moment the products leave the warehouses.

  1. Products delivery

MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. undertakes deliveries exclusively within the Colombian territory, areas and places in which it has access according to its distribution network, and therefore the completion of the sale contract is conditioned to the fact that the delivery address detailed by the client must be within the geographical areas authorized by MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS SAS, which are indicated on the site. If a Colombian territory municipality is not found in the list displayed at the site, it should be understood by the client that this geographical area is not enabled and that therefore, the contract will not posses validation and the goods will not be shipped.

The products chosen and bought via the online store will be delivered to the address specified by each client in the electronic form presented at the site. The products will arrive within a maximum period of five (5) business days starting from the date the products are sent by MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS SAS and the purchase confirmation comes generated by the system, as long as:

The payment terms and conditions have been determined in advance and there are no causes beyond the control of MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. that could delay delivery, such as any unforeseeable event or force majeure. It is understood that any person who is at the address where the delivery should be made, must be duly authorized by the client to receive his order, and therefore MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. is exonerated of any responsibility of whom receives the shipment.

If no one receives the order at the indicated address, MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. will proceed to return the products to the respective deposit, and the client will be obliged to contact us within a maximum term of five (5) business days in order for us to proceed with the reshipment, in which case, the expenses generated by the same, will run on behalf of the client, and until they are correctly assumed and paid, MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS SAS will not be obliged to repeat the shipment. If the client does not come along to request the reshipment within the indicated term, or does not pays the additional reshipment costs, MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. may withdraw and you will only be obliged to refund the amount paid for the products, discounting the value of the transportation expenses incurred.

17.Products and / or services.

MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. policy states the constant updating and review of the products displayed on the online site. MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. is allowed to modify and discontinue products at any time, obliged to dispatch products with the same quality characteristics that are described in its sales site; however the products colors and hues seen on each costumer monitor depends on it, therefore MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. does not guarantee that the color displayed by the customer's monitor will be exactly the same as the actual color of the product.

  1. Returns and Exchanges

MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. will proceed to make money refunds for merchandise purchased on the site, as long as the return request is presented throughout the Customer Service Representative within 5 business days of receipt of the product. In cases where the refund request is made outside the aforementioned period, MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. is not obliged to accept product returns, except for quality defects.

MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. will assume the 100% of the freight required for the return of the product in the main cities. The customer who makes the return will be recognized only the value of the item that is returned, which will be made by recharging the value of the item to its credit or debit card registered before on the site and with which the purchase has been made or by means of a voucher that will be sent to the clients email.

The exchange or return request must be done by the customer throughout the "customer service" chat in the page, which its purpose is to indicate each and every costumer the procedure in case of any return. These requests can also be made directly at the MERCEDES CAMPUZANO format points of sale and franchises in which the customer will be indicated the procedure to follow to make requested changes or returns. When it comes to products bought through the online store, no changes or returns may be done through a different MERCEDES CAMPUZANO brand products store.

  1. Other Documents

These terms cannot be altered, supplemented or amended through the use of any other document. Any attempt to alter, supplement or amend this document or to present or accept an offer to purchase product (s) that is subject to additional or different terms and conditions, will have no effect, unless otherwise agreed in writing plus igned by the client and MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS SAS

  1. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

These sale terms and conditions will be governed and interpreted in accordance with the Republic of Colombia laws. Any controversy that derives from this document will be submitted to the courts of the Municipality of Medellín (Colombia), and both MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. and the client, will expressly renounce to any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them due to their present or future domicile.

21.Options in case of delivery problems

If MERCEDESCAMPUZANO.COM detects before entering into the contract that it is not possible to remit the ordered products, it may offer the client an equivalent product in terms of quality, price and/or function. You, as a costumer, are not obliged to accept the replacement product. If you wish, you can return it within 30 days and MERCEDESCAMPUZANO.COM will bear the costs (obviously, your right of cancellation or return will continue to exist).

If MERCEDESCAMPUZANO.COM discovers after entering into the contract that it cannot supply the ordered products and is not responsible for this situation, it will have the right to terminate the contract. Naturally, MERCEDESCAMPUZANO.COM will inform you immediately about this and will refund the payments you have made.


Please read the following content carefully. By using this site, you accept the Terms of Use, Contract Terms and Privacy Policies contained herein.


  1. The parties

Between the client and/or user, who acts directly, if it is a natural person or through a person duly empowered to act on behalf of, in case of being a legal person, and on the other hand MERCEDES CAMPUZANO, a national brand belonging to MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS SAS, a commercial company duly incorporated under Colombian law, which has a website mercedescampuzano.com, enter into this contract in accordance with the terms and conditions of use that are an integral part of this contract.

MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S., will presume in any case in good faith that each contract is being directly made with the client or with its legal representative duly authorized to carry out this type of operations and no responsibility should be assumed by MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. by personal impersonation carried out by any client and/or user.

FIRST PARAGRAPH: In order to make any purchase, it is an essential requirement to be registered, identify and present yourself as a user on the website so activities such as purchasing can be carried out through an email account and a client's secret password, which is personal, non-transferable and the exclusive and exclusive responsibility of the client.

SECOND PARAGRAPH: It is the customer's responsibility to make any use of its password, which may not be transferred or disclosed to third parties for any reason. Likewise, the client must adopt all the necessary security measures to avoid misuse or knowledge of it by third parties. It is recommended to change the password periodically.

THIRD PARAGRAPH: In case of a password loss, forgetfulness or third parties exposure, you must refer to the authentication section at the site where there is a ‘remember password’ link, through which by following the instructions, the client can recover or change their password, through its email. If for any reason you cannot solve the problem, you can write to the following email: customerservice@mercedescampuzano.com

  1. The activity

MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S., will present the current product availability to all costumers, as the accessible colors. These will be displayed in the most realistic way possible, however, it must be taken into account that with each device through which the purchase is made, the colors presented and chosen afterwards, may vary, so the company is not responsible for this fact.

  1. Terms Acceptance

By accessing, browsing and/or using this site, the user admits having read and understood these Terms of Use and agrees to abide by them and comply with all applicable laws and regulations that are part of the Colombian Legislation. In addition, when the buyer makes use of any service provided on this site, for example, suggestion boxes and contests, they will be subject to the rules, guides, policies, terms and conditions applicable to said service. In case the user does not agree with these terms, please refrain from using this site. This site is controlled and operated by MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. from its offices located in Medellín, Colombia. MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. It is not responsible for the fact that the material on this site is appropriate or available for use in other places, accessing it from territories where its content is illegal is prohibited. Those who decide to access this site from other places will do so on their own initiative and it is their responsibility to abide by the local laws that are applicable. Any claim regarding, and the use of, this site and the material contained therein is regulated by the laws of Colombia. These terms and conditions are subject to change without prior notice at any time, under the sole will of MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS SAS, and from the date of modification of these terms and conditions, all operations between MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS SAS and the user will be governed by the modified document.

  1. Headers

The Terms and Conditions headings and clauses facilitate consultation and are not part of them, and by no meaning or interpretation may be inferred or derived.

  1. Provisions Independence

In case that one or more of the Terms and Conditions provisions are considered null, illegal or ineffective in any aspect, the validity, legality, enforceability or effectiveness of the rest of the provisions contained herein will not be affected or annulled by said circumstance.

  1. mercedescampuzano.us

int.mercedescampuzano.com website is dedicated to an electronic commerce through which products are offered and delivered exclusively in the Republic of Colombia territory. Mercedescampuzano.com domain is owned by MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. commercial company, which is incorporated under Colombian laws, whose main activity is the commercialization of footwear and related products through its MERCEDES CAMPUZANO brand.

  1. Revision Terms

MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. can review these Terms of Use contained herein at any time, by readjusting this announcement. By using mercedescampuzano.com, the user agrees to be bound by any of such revisions, which will be in force from the moment they are accessible by users, and must then periodically visit this page to determine the terms in force in that moment to which the user will be bound in the event that he decides to use this Site.

  1. Industrial property

All brands, banners, logos, names and any other distinctive signs, as well as utility models, industrial designs and other elements of industrial or intellectual property inserted used and/or displayed on this site are of exclusive property of MC HORMAS AND SHOES SAS. In any case in which any third parties, expressly authorized by MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S, are involved for its use and/or exploitation have been previously authorized by law in a general way, and consequently its use does not require the prior and express authorization of its owner. Nothing in mercedescampuzano.com may be interpreted as a concession or granting of any authorization, license or any other right to use or dispose of any form of Industrial Property, without the written permission of MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. or the owner of the rights of the same. Any unauthorized use will constitute a violation of these Terms and Conditions and the current national and international regulations on Industrial Property.

  1. Copyright

All the computer, graphic, advertising, photographic, multimedia, audiovisual and/or design material, as well as all the content, texts and databases made available to you and/or scope on this Site are of exclusive property of MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS SAS, or in some cases, third parties that have been previously authorized MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS SAS its use and/or exploitation (hereinafter "the Contents").

Likewise, law expressly authorizes the use in mercedescampuzano.com site of some content owned by third parties. All the contents in mercedescampuzano.com are protected by the rules on intellectual property and by all the national and international rules that are applicable.

As expressed previously via the Terms and Conditions, any act of copying, reproduction, modification, creation of derivative works, sale or distribution, exhibition of contents, in any way or by any means, including, but not limited to, is prohibited. Electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or any other means, without the prior written permission of MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS SAS as the owner of said rights.

In no case do these Terms and Conditions confer rights, licenses and / or authorizations to carry out the acts described above. Any unauthorized use of the brand’s content will constitute a violation of these Terms and Conditions and current regulations on intellectual property.

MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS SAS. grants its costumers a license and personal, non-transferable and non-exclusive right to display mercedescampuzano.com on the screen of a computer, computer or PDA device under their control, and to use the Contents owned by MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. only for personal, non-commercial, and non-transferable use, on the condition that the user does not modify the Contents in any way and that they keep all the legends of intellectual property rights and other types of property contained therein.

This license does not extends to the industrial property of MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. or third parties, and ends automatically if the user fails to comply with any of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions. MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. grants the user a license and personal and non-transferable and non-exclusive right to use the object code (not the source code) of the mercedescampuzano.com software on a single computer, screen or computer, and provided that they do not copy, modify, create, distribute, reproduce or display a derivative work, reverse the process, reverse the assembly or in any way try to discover any access code, sell, assign, sublicense, provide warranty or transfer any rights in the software of mercedescampuzano.com. The user is obliged by these Terms and Conditions not to modify the software of the Site in any way.

Distinctive signs

MERCEDES CAMPUZANO distinctive signs of and any other displayed on this page are owned by MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. Under no circumstances may it be considered that the use is allowed or that a license is being granted, whatever its nature, on the brands, commercial names, signs or slogans. Therefore, the use of the same is considered expressly prohibited, under penalty of being incurred in the civil and criminal responsibilities that may arise.


  1. Training and improvement

MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. products vending contracts are perfected only when the client in response to the invitation to offer made by MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. presents the purchase offer by selecting the product and makes the payment according to the payment methods offered on the page.

Under no circumstances, MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. will be obliged to accept a purchase offer. SOLE PARAGRAPH: If the purchase to be made exceeds a quantity of twenty (20) products, MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. reserves the right to send this purchase offer to the company's business channel as it is considered an institutional sale, in order to avoid the improper commercialization of products.

11.Linking, Deeplinking and Framing

MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS SAS. It prohibits the use of the names and / or logos, brands and any other distinctive signs of its property as hypertext links or in any other way ('links') directed to sites on the Internet whose URL is different from http://int.mercedescampuzano.com, unless the establishment of such a link is approved by MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS SAS in writing, in which case you must abide by the criteria and design and advertising manuals established by MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. - MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. reserves the right to request the withdrawal or withdraw links that have been established on websites without its express and prior authorization.

The establishment on pages not controlled by MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. Links to subdirectories within the URL https://mercedescampuzano.us (Deeplinking) is prohibited. The display, use, exhibition, copy or any other form of reproduction of the Site http://int.mercedescampuzano.com or of any of its subdirectories and / or pages, in sites not controlled by MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. ("Framing") is expressly prohibited. The non-observance of these prohibitions will be a violation of the intellectual property rights over the Contents and the rights over Industrial Property.

  1. Queries

Any question related to the use of trademarks, banners, logos, distinctive signs and in general any element of Industrial Property of the Site, as well as those related to the use of the Contents or the establishment of Links to the URL https://mercedescampuzano.us can be made to MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS SAS in Colombia. Its use, in contravention of the provisions herein, will give rise to the corresponding civil and criminal actions.

  1. Disclaimer and Guarantees

In accordance with the Republic of Colombia’s laws, the material contained in this site, including without limitation, texts, graphics and links (links), are provided on the basis of 'as is' (' as is), without having through guarantees of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to, guarantees of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-contravention or other violation of rights.

MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. does not guarantee the use, validity, accuracy or reliability of, or the results of the use of, or any other situation with respect to, the material on this site or any website linked to this Site MERCEDESCAMPUZANO.COM advises its customers that the information of this website may contain errors or inaccuracies, not be complete or up-to-date. Therefore, MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. reserves the right to correct any error, omission or inaccuracy, change or update it at any time and without prior notice. Additionally, it is noted that the price to be paid for each item purchased will be the current price in the Warehouse at the time of dispatch for delivery.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

  1. Limited liability

Without prejudice to what is determined in the mandatory norms of the applicable Colombian Legislation, MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. assumes no responsibility including any liability for any loss or damage, including but not limited to, loss of information or profits, existence of viruses, results of use or inability to use the material on this site, lost business opportunities, or any other damage, even when the user has warned us about the possibility of such damage, or for any third party claim, except as expressly stipulated herein.

Under the terms indicated here, MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. does not assume any responsibility for the information provided on the page, including but not limited to that relating to products, notes of interest, opinions, practical advice and solution of concerns. MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. does not assume any responsibility for the impossibility of, or for problems in, the use of the Site or any of the pages that make it up, including but not limited to events such as server or connection problems, interruptions in communication, technical problems. In the event that the use of the material on this Site results in the need to service, repair or correct equipment or information, the user assumes any cost derived from it.

FIRST PARAGRAPH: The responsibility of MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS S.A.S. It will be limited to an amount identical to the value of the product purchased, or failing that, to the value of the product requested by the customer.

  1. Advertising and links

The organizations, products and / or services that are advertised in mercedescampuzano.com, as well as the links presented in MERCEDESCAMPUZANO.COM are not affiliated with or have any relationship with MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS SAS, and therefore MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS SAS does not necessarily endorse or promote the products and / or services, or the organizations described in mercedescampuzano.com. MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS SAS. does not play any role in the production of those products and / or the provision of services and makes no warranty, express or implied, of their content or of their fitness for a particular purpose. Thus, for example, when the use of a product and / or service is suggested, it is the sole autonomy of the user to decide its use, and therefore, MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS SAS. does not assume any responsibility for direct or indirect damages that may arise from the indicated use. Thus, the dealings that the user makes with the producer or supplier of the products and / or services contained in the advertising on this site, as well as the visits made to their websites through the links on this site will be at your sole risk and expense, without in any way compromising the responsibility of MC HORMAS Y ZAPATOS SAS

16.Typographical errors

In the event that a product on mercedescampuzano.com appears with an incorrect price due to a typographical error or system error, mercedescampuzano.com will have the right to deny or cancel any order placed for said products. If your credit card has already been charged and / or debited for the purchase and your order is canceled, mercedescampuzano.com will issue a credit to your credit or debit card account for the amount of the canceled price. He discovers after entering into the contract that he cannot supply the ordered products and is not responsible for this situation, he will have the right to terminate the contract. Naturally, MERCEDESCAMPUZANO.COM will inform you immediately about this and will refund the payments you have made.

If MERCEDESCAMPUZANO.COM discovers after entering into the contract that it cannot supply the ordered products and is not responsible for this situation, it will have the right to terminate the contract. Naturally, MERCEDESCAMPUZANO.COM will inform you immediately about this and will refund the payments you have made.